How To Add Digital Signature To PDF (Free, 2024)

Add a digital signature to a PDF document for free: Upload the file > Create your digital signature > Put it on the document.
How To Add Digital Signature To PDF (Free, 2024)
Last updated on:
December 29, 2023
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Want more insights like these for FREE?

On this page, we'll teach you how to add a digital signature to a PDF document. No gimmicks or hidden fees.

The method is 100% free and effective. Besides, it takes just a couple of seconds to create your digital signature and add it to a PDF.

Let's check out how to use digital signatures for PDF documents.

How to add a digital signature to PDF (for free)

  1. Drag & Drop your document in the box below;
  2. Choose Signature from the left side's menu;
  3. Create/Select your signature;
  4. Hover your signature on the PDF document;
  5. Apply changes and download.

That's all it takes to digitally sign a PDF document with SignHouse. It's 100% free, quick, and it's hassle-free as well.

How to add digital signature to PDF for free

Once uploading your PDF, you simply have to choose Signature on the left side. If you've already got a digital signature, everything will be even shorter.

If not, simply design your signature (draw, upload, or type) and click it. Then, drag and drop it anywhere on the PDF document.

Apply changes, download, and enjoy your digitally signed PDF!

Pro Tip: You can use SignHouse to scan a signature to a digital one. First create one and then also add it to the PDF with our free tools.

How to add digital signature to PDF for someone else

  1. Upload your document in the PDF signer;
  2. Select the Signature field on the left;
  3. Insert your digital signature;
  4. Click the Sign and Download button (top-right);
  5. Type in your signee's details;
  6. Send the document for signing.

Use our software to get somebody else's signature as well. After signing the file yourself and editing it, hit the Sign and Download button and insert the signee's details and send them the document for signing.

After requesting a signature, we'll show your signees where they have to edit the document and send to back to you.

How to request digital signature in a PDF

Our PDF signer will show your people where to fill and sign the document.

How to add digital signature to PDF with date and time

  1. Upload your PDF document;
  2. Select the Signature field on the left;
  3. Design & Insert your digital signature;
  4. Select the Date Field button on same menu;
  5. Click anywhere to insert the date and time on the PDF;
  6. Apply changes and Download.

After uploading your PDF, select the Signature and the Date Field buttons from the left side. Then, drag and drop them on the PDF document and save changes.

How to digitally sign a PDF with date and time fields

With SignHouse, you can do so many things to customize your PDF documents. See our library of PDF tools to see how you can maximize your PDF's potential.

Why can't I add digital signature to PDF? - Fixed

You most certainly can't add a digital signature to a PDF because the document is protected by the owner to block anyone from digitally signing or editing the document. The best fix to signing such a file is to unlock it online.

With SignHouse, you can unlock your PDF in the following steps:

  1. Upload the PDF in the box below;
  2. Click the button to remove its password;
  3. Edit the document → Add your digital signature;
  4. Download the signed PDF document.

At SignHouse, we've got PDF tools for all of your needs! We're always happy to help you digitally sign PDF documents.

That's all you need to know on how to add a digital signature to a PDF for free.


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About the author

Ch David is the co-founder of SignHouse. David is here to help the product development team expand the capabilities of ultimate eSignature maker for all your needs. Join David and the SignHouse team in stepping up electronic signatures!