How To Add Signature Block To PDF Online (2024)

Add a signature block/field to a PDF document with an online signature tool. Our software is free: Upload file > Create signature > Add block.
How To Add Signature Block To PDF Online (2024)
Last updated on:
December 29, 2023
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Looking to add a signature block to a PDF document? Unsure how to do it?

Fear not, this post is going to teach you the easiest and most effective way to insert an electronic signature block in a PDF document.

Moreover, you can do it on this very page! We've embedded our PDF signing tool on this page for your accessibility. Let's save some time and reduce paperwork.

Oh, and did we mention that it is 100% free?

How to add a signature block to a PDF (free)

The fastest way to add a signature block to a PDF is to use an online software. Ours is free, and it works this way:

  1. Upload your file in the PDF signer below;
  2. Click on the Signature button on the left;
  3. Create your electronic signature: draw, type, or upload;
  4. Download your signed PDF document.

The best part about our online signature software is that you don't even have to install another app in your device.

Besides, our eSignature maker is optimised to run properly on any desktop and mobile device. Add signature blocks on any platform!

How to add a signature block to a PDF

You're welcome to use any of your phones, tablets, or computers.

What happens to my PDF?

Now, let's go through the detailed process — what happens after uploading your PDF document in the box above.

When your document is loaded, you will see the Signature field on the left side of the screen — there's the menu where you can edit the PDF.

You'll then have to create your eSignature. If you already have one, you will skip this step and simply add the signature block to the PDF.

If not, know that SignHouse gives you the freedom of creating your eSignature in many different ways: uploading one, drawing it, or typing it.

How to add signature field to PDF for free

Any option works just as good. The important part is to design an electronic signature you're happy with.

After that, simply drag and drop your signature block on the PDF and drag it around. Feel free to rotate the signature and adjust it to all your needs.

Pro Tip: You can also add a wet signature to a PDF. The process is pretty much the same as adding a signature block to a file.

That's it! You've just learned how to add a signature block to a PDF document.


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About the author

Ch David is the co-founder of SignHouse. David is here to help the product development team expand the capabilities of ultimate eSignature maker for all your needs. Join David and the SignHouse team in stepping up electronic signatures!