How To Send A Document For Signing (Free, 2024)

Answer: Use online software like SignHouse. Upload your PDF document > Add your signature > Send it for signing to others.
How To Send A Document For Signing (Free, 2024)
Last updated on:
December 29, 2023
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You're probably on this page because you:

  • Have a PDF document;
  • That you want to electronically sign;
  • And then send for signing to other people.

If that's true, then this is the place to be in, because we're going to teach you in this guide how to request a signature for a PDF. Our method is 100% free.

By the end of the guide, you're going to know the way to send a document for eSignatures, and you'll actually be able to do it from this very page.

Let's check out how to do this task.

How to send a document for signing for free

  1. Open our PDF editor (see the box below);
  2. Upload the document or drag-and-drop it;
  3. Sign yourself and customize the document;
  4. Click the Review and Finish button (top-right);
  5. Type in your signees' details;
  6. Click the Send this document button.
How to send a PDF for signing via email

Our software lets you sign documents yourself and then send them for signing. If you just have to edit a document, simply edit it and send it to others.

Send a document that needs to be signed electronically with SignHouse. While you're at it, know that you can use our PDF tools to customize your files for free.

How do I send a PDF for signature?

Send a PDF for signatures with an online software like SignHouse: Upload your PDF > Attach your signature > Send it to other so they can sign it.

We'll be there for your signees and take them through every step of the process. In fact, we'll show them where to fill and sign the PDF for you.

While your signees get the work done, you can check the Analytics tab for the PDF you sent for signing and see how much progress has been made to the file.

Pro Tip: We have a list of the top 10 signature scanners. Check it out and see which one suits your needs best.

Of course, we'd like to say that SignHouse is the best signature generator, but at the end of the day, you have to pick whatever fits your needs best.

That's all you need to know about sending a document for electronic signatures.


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About the author

Ch David is the co-founder of SignHouse. David is here to help the product development team expand the capabilities of ultimate eSignature maker for all your needs. Join David and the SignHouse team in stepping up electronic signatures!