Viber Revenue and Growth Statistics (2024)

Key Viber user stats. Includes data on the valuation, revenue, number of users number of employees, and more.
Viber Revenue and Growth Statistics (2024)
Last updated on:
December 29, 2023
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Viber Amazing Key facts

  • According to Rakuten Inc., its mobile segment generated about $1.73 billion in revenue in the fiscal year 2021, primarily from Viber.
  • The number of Viber users worldwide was estimated to be 1.3 billion in 2022.
  • Viber users account for approximately 16.25% of the global population, as of 2022.
  • Viber has 250 million monthly active users globally, according to the report.
  • Users of Viber interact on the app for an average of 8 minutes per interaction.
  • Around 1,000 business accounts were already actively using Viber Business during its first year of operation. Currently, Viber Business accounts have more than 8,500 business accounts as of 2022.
  • A total of approximately 7.5 billion messages were delivered by brands and businesses over Viber in 2021
  • As of 2021, Viber Business had revenue of $196.4 million.

Overview about Viber

Key StatsKey Info
Initial Release Year2010
HeadquartersLimassol, Limassol, Cyprus
Original Developer(s)Talmon Marco, Igor Magazinnik
Current OwnerRakuten Viber (part of Rakuten Inc.)
Type of AppInstant messaging client, VoIP
Operating system(s)Linux, macOS, Windows, iOS, Android
Written inC/C++/Python (desktop, using SIP and Qt frameworks), Objective-C (iOS), Java (Android)
TypeInstant messaging client, VoIP

How much is Viber worth? (Valuation)

Since being acquired by Japanese e-commerce Rakuten in 2014, when Viber was initially valued at $900 million.

Since Rakuten owns the VoIP and instant messaging app exclusively and privately, it hasn't yet disclosed its valuation publicly.

YearViber Valuation
2014$900 million

Viber Revenue

According to Rakuten Inc., its mobile segment generated about $1.73 billion in revenue in the fiscal year 2021, primarily from Viber.

2021$1.73 billion
2020$1.31 billion
2019$1.28 billion
2018$685 million

Source: Statista

How many unique Viber users are there? (Worldwide)

The number of Viber users worldwide was estimated to be 1.3 billion in 2022.

YearNumber of Viber Users
20221.3 billion users
20211.2 billion users
20201.169 billion users
20191.150 billion users
20181.074 billion users
2017980 million users
2016858 million users
2015754 million users
2014495 million users
2013280 million users
2012125 million users
201110 million users

Source: Statista

What proportion of people in the world use Viber?

Viber users account for approximately 16.25% of the global population, as of 2022.

YearWorld PopulationNumber of Viber UsersPercentage of Viber Users
20228 billion people1.3 billion users16.25%
20217.88 billion people1.2 billion users15.23%
20207.82 billion people1.169 billion users14.95%
20197.74 billion people1.150 billion users14.86%
20187.66 billion people1.074 billion users14.02%
20177.60 billion people980 million users12.89%
20167.49 billion people858 million users11.46%
20157.40 billion people754 million users10.19%
20147.31 billion people495 million users6.77%
20137.22 billion people280 million users3.88%
20127.14 billion people125 million users1.75%
20117.05 billion people10 million users1.42%

Source: United Nations

Viber Monthly Active Users

Viber has 250 million monthly active users globally, according to the report.

Source: Mix Panel

Viber usage by country (Viber market share by country)

Top on the list of countries using Viber the most are Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Philippines, and Greece.


Source: Similar Web

What percentage of people in each region use Viber?

Asia and the Asia Pacific region accounted for 25% of Viber's user base.

Asia and Asia Pacific25.00%
Eastern Europe19.00%
Western Europe16.00%
Middle East15%
Central and South America10%
North America6%

Source: Statista

What is the average time spent on by users?

Users of Viber interact on the website for an average of 8 minutes per interaction.


Viber users demographics

Viber users by gender

Male users of Viber make up 55.82% of all users while female users make up 44.18%


Source: Similar Web

Viber users by age

The majority of Viber users are between the ages of 25 and 34, with 35.90% of all age groups using the app.

Age GroupPercentage
18 - 2419.73%
25 - 3435.90%
35 - 4420.29%
45 - 5412.31%
55 - 647.85%

Source: Similar Web

How many messages are exchanged on Viber every day? (Global Viber Message Volume Per Day)

According to research, each Viber user sends and receives approximately 30 messages per day.

This will suggest that 205 million Viber users who are active on a monthly basis exchange approximately 7.5 billion messages daily.

Estimated Messages Exchanged Per User on ViberEstimated Total Messages Exchange on Viber
Every Minute-5.2 million messages
Every Hour-312.5 million messages
Every Day30 messages7.5 billion messages
Every Week210 messages52.5 billion messages
Every Month900 messages225 billion messages
Every Year10,800 messages2.7 trillion messages

Source: TynTec

How many Operating Systems does Viber support?

The Viber app is a cross-platform app that is compatible with and supports the following operating systems: Linux, macOS, Windows, iOS, and Android.

How many Viber downloads are there?

As of 2022, Viber Android app downloads had surpassed 1 billion, while the iOS version had been downloaded approximately 452 million times.

VersionNumber of Viber Downloads
Android1 billion+ downloads
iOS452 million+ downloads

Source: Google Play, Apple Store

How does Viber make money? (Viber business model)

Viber makes money from its business account fees, subscription charges for international calls (Viber Out), and in-app advertisements.As a result, Viber generates income in the following ways:

  • subscription fees
  • credit fees (Viber Out)
  • in-app sticker pack sales
  • revenue (Viber for Business)

Viber's market share analysis

Currently, Viber commands an average of around 5% install penetration in some markets.

United KingdomUnited StatesCanadaAustrlia
Install Penetration5.50%4.31%%4.83%8.22%
Unique Installs96.73K345.36K33.88K78.3K
Daily Active Users254.45K471.66K151.44K156.66K
Monthly Active Users583.48K1.04M351.80K331.94K

Source: Similar Web

Where is Viber available?

Viber is accessible and available everywhere, with the exception of some countries where the government has imposed restrictions on its citizens using instant messaging apps.

How many employees does Viber have?

The number of Viber employees exceeded 600 as of 2021.

YearNumber of Employees
2021617 employees
2020610 employees
2019550 employees
2018510 employees
2017400 employees

Source: GLOBES, Glass Door, Rocket Reach, PitchBook, LinkedIn

Where is the Viber Head Office located?

LuxembourgLuxembourg2 Rue du Fossé (HQ 1)
United StatesSan FranciscoSan Francisco
IsraelBnei BrakBar Kochva St 21, Bnei Brak
Russian FederationMoscow 

Source: Craft, CrunchBase

Viber Business Statistics

How many Viber Business users are there?

Around 1,000 business accounts were already actively using Viber Business during its first year of operation. Currently, Viber Business accounts have more than 8,500 business accounts as of 2022.

YearNumber of Viber Business Users
20228,500 business accounts
20161000 business accounts

Source: For Business, TechCrunch

How much does a Viber Business account pay?

You are only charged for the messages you send. A Viber session begins when one of your customers contacts your company. You only pay per 24-hour period or 60 messages per session.

Viber Pricing Overview

  • Each messaging service is priced differently and rates may vary seasonally.
  • Viber requires a monthly minimum spend per service (one-way, two-way, sessions) AND per country. The amount depends on Viber’s penetration in a particular territory.
  • The monthly minimum applies if a business is registered and has an active sender ID.
  • The minimum fee is calculated on a monthly basis and not accumulating.
CountriesMinimum spend
Belarus, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Iraq, Moldova, Russia, UkraineEUR 150
All othersEUR 100

Source: TynTec

How many messages are sent and received on a Viber business account?

A total of approximately 7.5 billion messages were delivered by brands and businesses over Viber in 2021, an increase of 20% over 2020.

Viber BusinessNumber of Messages on Viber Business
20217.5 billion messages
20206 billion messages

Source: Mobile Squared

How much money does Viber make off of the messages its Viber Business users send?

As of 2021, Viber Business had revenue of $196.4 million.

Viber BusinessMoney made from Viber Business
2021$196.4 million
2020$151,2 million

Source: Mobile Squared

Does Viber have a payment service?

Viber recently unveiled its own payment system that enables users to pay for goods and services and accept payments through the app.

Users can link their bank accounts or Mastercard and Visa cards to the Viber Payments Service to conduct free peer-to-peer transactions.

Is payment via Viber safe?

Yes, actually Viber Pay secures payments and transfers by using licensed and regulated entities to carry out the transactions.

Where is the Viber Pay service available?

Viber payments are currently available to users in Germany and Greece, with plans to expand to more countries in the near future.

Who owns Viber?

Viber is currently owned by Rakuten Inc, which is owned by business magnate Hiroshi Mikitani.

Viber Acquisitions

Viber has acquired 2 businesses. Chatter Commerce was their most recent acquisition as of June 20, 2017.

Acquiree NameAnnounced DatePriceTransaction Name
Chatter CommerceJun 20, 2017Chatter Commerce acquired by Viber
NextpeerJul 28, 2015$9 millionNextpeer acquired by Viber

Source: CrunchBase


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About the author

Ch Daniel is the co-founder of SignHouse and chairman of the CH Group. Daniel is leading the development of SignHouse's product, as well as strategising how else the company can reach its main mission: empowering 100M+ to use the world's most efficient document organisational tools.