How do I put a signature on a PDF document?

1. Open up the SignHouse app (you don't need to log in to get satrted).

Uploading a document for eSigning with SignHouse

2. Upload your PDF doc using our simple uploader. Click highlighted area in the picture above — an upload box will pop up, for you to add your .PDF file.

3. Click the “Signature” block on the sidebar

4. The pop-up showing all the options will pop-up. You will want to select “Upload”.

5. Over there you will be able to add your signature to the PDF file.

You will be able to:

  • Either drag-and-drop the signature's image/file
  • Upload by clicking → selecting the document
  • Select the image/file of your signature from Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox or Google Photos
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