How Many People Use Social Media in 2024? (Stats)

Key How Many People Use Social Media in 2024 user stats. Includes data on the market cap, revenue, number of active users, and more.
How Many People Use Social Media in 2024? (Stats)
Last updated on:
December 29, 2023
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Social Media at a glance

As of January 2023, there were 5.16 billion internet users worldwide, which represents 64.4 percent of the global population. Out of these, 4.96 billion, or 60% of the world's population, were social media users.

In the past few years, some social media giants have generated over $1 trillion in revenue.

What is the Social Media market worth?

The social media market, which includes major companies such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, is expected to exceed $223.11 billion in value by 2022, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 39.7%. This is up from $193.52 billion in 2021.

Social media advertising and subscriptions are the main sources of revenue for many social media platforms. Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and others now offer shopping ads for direct purchases.

In 2022, the Asia Pacific region was the largest, while Africa is expected to be the fastest-growing region, despite being last on the list.

YearSocial Media Market Worth
2022$223.11 billion
2021$193.52 billion
2020$159.68 billion

How much do Social media spend on ads?

In 2022, the global spending on social media advertising was approximately $130 billion.

YearSocial Media spending on ads
2022$130.24 billion
2021$115.87 billion

Source: Statista

How many Social Media users are there? (How many people use Social Media?)

Did you know that as of 2022, there are a staggering 4.96 billion active social media users worldwide?

This current number is more than double the number of active social media users as of 2015, which was 2.078 billion.

It just goes to show how much social media has become a part of our daily lives. And with more and more people joining various social media platforms every day, it's safe to say that this trend is .here to stay.

In fact, social media has become an integral part of modern communication, connecting people from all over the world and allowing them to share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences like never before. How cool is that?

YearNumber of Social Media Active Users
20224.96 billion active users
20214.480 billion active users
20203.960 billion active users
20193.484 billion active users
20183.196 billion active users
20172.796 billion active users
20162.307 billion active users
20152.078 billion active users

How many Social Media users per network are there as of the end of 2022?

The popularity of social media networks has soared in recent years and the number of users has followed suit, with around 4.96 billion social media users worldwide at present.

WhatsApp tops the list with 3.2 billion users, followed closely by Facebook with 2.9 billion users. Instagram and TikTok come next, with 2.1 billion and 1.6 billion users respectively. Reddit is also proliferating, with 1.4 billion users. WeChat has 1.3 billion users and LinkedIn has 1.2 million.

The popularity of these platforms shows no signs of slowing down, as more people join every day.

Social MediaNumber of Social Media users per network
WhatsApp3.2 billion users
Facebook2.9 billion users
Instagram2.1 billion users
TikTok1.6 billion users
Reddit1.4 billion users
WeChat1.3 billion users
Telegram1.2 billion users
LinkedIn900 million users
YouTube780 million users
QQ700 million users
Pinterest450 million users
Twitter370 million users
Snapchat370 million users

Source: eSign House

How many Social Media users by platform?

As of 2022, it is estimated that a cumulative average of 4.76 billion people worldwide are active social media users. This represents an impressive 59.4% of the global population.

This remarkable figure highlights the influence of social media in our daily lives, and how it shapes the way we communicate, share information, and interact with each other.

A large number of social media users is a testament to its power and potential. This trend is expected to continue as more people join the online world.

Facebook UsersInstagram UsersYouTube UsersWhatsApp UsersPinterest UsersTwitter UsersLinkedIn UsersReddit Users
20222.96 billion2 billion2.6 billion3.25 billion450 million436 million875 million1.4 billion
20212.78 billion2 billion2.5 billion3 billion431 million362.4 million810 million1.2 billion
20202.65 billion1 billion2.3 billion2.7 billion459 million347.6 million722 million945 million
20192.5 billion1 billion2 billion2.5 billion335 million312.7 million643 million500 million
20182.23 billion800 million1.8 billion2.25 billion265 million321.0 million582 million-
20172 billion500 million1.6 billion-216 million330.0 million528 million-
20161.86 billion400 million1.5 billion-160 million319.0 million469 million-
20151.44 billion300 million1.3 billion--305.0 million414 million-
20141.34 billion150 million1.1 billion--288.0 million347 million-
20131.23 billion100 million1 billion--240.9 million277 million-
20121.01 billion10 million700 million---202 million-
2011845 million1 million500 million---145 million-
2010608 million-200 million---90 million-

Source: Statista, eSign House

Social Media network  users by gender

Social media usage is rising steadily and a recent study has revealed that women are more likely to use certain platforms - such as Snapchat and Pinterest - compared to men, who tend to be more active on YouTube and Twitter.

Specifically, 78% of women reported using social media compared to 66% of men. This suggests that certain platforms are favored more by certain genders, though the exact reasons for this remain unknown.

Nonetheless, it is clear that social media is becoming increasingly influential in our lives, and it is essential to understand the differences in platform usage between men and women.


Social Media network users by age

It is common knowledge that the primary age groups who use social media are Gen Z and Millennials.

Age GroupPercentage
18 - 2930%
30 - 4929%
40 - 6425.79%

Source: Pew Research

Analysis of social media growth

Social media has revolutionized communication in recent years, with more people than ever using these platforms. Businesses have started using social media for advertising, influencer marketing, content creation, customer service, and support.

This helps build brand awareness and increase customer engagement. The number of social media users has been increasing every year, with 4.96 billion active users worldwide in 2022.

This trend is likely to continue as more people become connected to the internet and social media platforms to improve their user experience. As social media use becomes more widespread, it will undoubtedly impact the way we communicate, share information, and conduct business in the future.

YearNumber of Social Media Active UsersPercentage of Growth
20224.96 billion active users10.71%
20214.480 billion active users13.13%
20203.960 billion active users13.70%
20193.484 billion active users9.20%
20183.196 billion active users9%
20172.796 billion active users21%
20162.307 billion active users11%
20152.078 billion active users-

Analysis of social media growth by network

Social media is an integral part of modern life, but different networks have grown at different rates. Knowing these patterns can help individuals and organizations navigate social media more easily and decide which networks to invest in.

Facebook, despite being the oldest network, has the largest user base with over 3 billion active users. However, its growth rate has slowed in recent years, which means other networks may be gaining ground.

Newer networks like TikTok and Instagram have seen rapid growth, especially among younger demographics. This is important for marketers and professionals looking to reach specific audiences on social media.

In conclusion, it is crucial to understand social media growth patterns to make informed decisions about engaging with audiences online. By keeping track of these trends and adapting strategies, individuals and organizations can stay ahead of the curve and make the most of constantly changing social media.


Source: Pew Research

What is the market share of Social Media penetration by region?

At the end of 2022, 26% of social media users worldwide were located in Eastern Asia, followed by 18.44% in Southern Asia. Northern America accounted for 9.5% of all users, while Central Africa made up 0.46%, the least.

RegionSocial Media Share
Eastern Asia26%
Southern Asia18%
Southeast Asia11%
Northern America9%
South America7%
Central & Western Europe6%
Eastern Europe4%
Southern Europe4%
Western Asia3.57%
Northern Africa3.36%
Western Africa1.93%
Eastern Africa1.44%
Southern Africa0.99%
Northern Europe0.64%
Australia & Oceania0.61%
Central America0.60%
Central Asia0.58%
Central Africa0.46%

Source: Statista

What is the market share of Social media networks by country?

China was estimated to have 21.88% of the world's social media users in 2022, making it the leading nation for such users. India followed with 16.18%, and the US came in third. Indonesia and Brazil were projected to have significant numbers of users as well.

The immense popularity and potential for growth seen in the top countries with the most users demonstrate the power of social media.

United States6%
United Kingdom1.32%
South Korea0.99%

Source: Statista

What are Social Media networks ranking by the number of monthly users?

At the forefront of the market, Facebook boasts an impressive user base of over 2.9 billion monthly active users. Meta Network, Inc. owns four social networks with more than 1 billion users each. In the fourth quarter of 2022, Facebook reported 3.7 billion monthly active users for its core Family products.

Most leading social media networks with a user base of over 100 million were created in the United States. Nevertheless, Chinese services such as WeChat, QQ, and Douyin, a video-sharing application, have become increasingly popular due to their localized content. This success has motivated Douyin to launch an international version, TikTok.

Social MediaRank by Monthly Active Users
Facebook2.9 billion MAU
YouTube2.5 billion MAU
WhatsApp2 billion MAU
Instagram2 billion MAU
WeChat1.3 billion MAU
TikTok1 billion MAU
Facebook Messenger931 million MAU
Douyin715 million MAU
Telegram700 million MAU
Snapchat635 million MAU
Kuaishou626 million MAU
Sina Weibo584 million MAU
QQ574 million MAU
Twitter556 million MAU
Pinterest445 million MAU

Source: Statista

What is the global average time spent on social media?

Time spent on social media varies widely around the world. Cultural norms, age, and activities all influence the average amount of time spent on social media, which is hard to estimate. Nevertheless, its use has grown significantly in recent years, as people rely on it for entertainment, news, and communication.

The cumulative average of daily time spent using social media is estimated to be 2 hours and 31 minutes.

What devices do users use most to access Social Media?

Approximately 78% of individuals rely solely on their mobile phones to access networks, while a mere 2% of users utilize desktops exclusively.

The remaining 20% of users use both devices, depending on their needs and the task they are attempting to complete.

This is likely due to the increased versatility, convenience, and portability that mobile phones offer in comparison to desktop computers. With mobile phones becoming increasingly more powerful, it appears that the trend of mobile device usage will only continue to rise in the coming years.

Mobile Phone78%

What are the best uses for each social media network?

When utilizing Social Media networks, it is important to understand what each platform is best suited for. Each network offers unique opportunities to reach and connect with an audience, so it is important to know how to use each network most effectively.

For example, Facebook is an excellent platform for building relationships with current or potential customers, while Twitter is great for quickly sharing news or updates in short, snappy messages. Instagram is an excellent tool for showcasing products or services, while LinkedIn is the best platform for connecting with professionals and business colleagues.

YouTube is a powerful platform for creating and sharing videos, while Pinterest is great for curating and sharing inspiring visuals. Ultimately, understanding the best use for each network is key to achieving success with Social Media.

Social MediaBest Known For
FacebookFacebook (3 billion users/month) is the largest social media platform. It may be worth using if your content is suitable, especially targeting those over 30 years. 68% of US adults use FB regularly, and 51% multiple times/day. Steady usage across genders; increased activity after 40. Optimize engagement with short videos/catchy headlines. Boost involvement in groups with live streams/polls. Reach adults/build a community: incorporate FB into brand marketing.
InstagramInstagram's user base has surged past 1 billion monthly users, with most usage under 40 and consistent across genders. To reach this audience, brands must create content that is diverse, consistent, and visually appealing. Selfie-style videos, stories, and reels must be utilized regularly to keep followers engaged. Lifestyle, e-commerce, and visuals-heavy businesses should prioritize Instagram in their content marketing strategies.
TikTokTikTok launched worldwide in 2018 and gained 1 billion downloads in its first year. Now, it has over 1 billion monthly users, making it a top social media platform. In the US, over half of its audience is under 35, with 48% aged 10-29. When creating content, distill your message into bite-sized pieces with musical, comedic, or informative elements. Only short-form video content is allowed, so create fun, catchy content. Make TikTok an integral part of your brand marketing strategy to reach and entertain a younger audience, but don't be overly self-promotional.
SnapchatDespite competitors, Snapchat's active user base (mostly under 25) remains strong (494 million monthly users in 2023). 65% are 18-29 yo, 56% are female and use it daily. Video-driven storytelling is at its core. If you want to reach teens/young adults with bite-sized video content, Snapchat is key. However, focus on entertainment, not lecturing.
YouTubeYouTube is the 2nd most popular search engine, with 2 billion users/mo, mostly 15-35yo, 11:9 male-female. Create video content for education/entertainment that reflects your brand/products. Consider unboxing and "-with me" videos. Partner with YouTube influencers if that's too ambitious.
WhatsAppInstant messaging platforms, like WhatsApp, are great options due to their large user base. When selecting an instant messaging tool, think about your target demographic. You can directly engage with them.
PinterestPinterest is a social media platform and bookmarking tool with 433 million monthly active users, 80% of whom are women 18-69. Vertically formatted visuals with clear copy, lists, and quotes perform best. If your target audience is adult women or your brand is related to lifestyle tips, fashion, decorating, or DIY culture, use Pinterest.
TwitterTwitter has ~345 million active users, 40% of which are online multiple times a day. 63% of Twitter users are aged 35-65, and two-thirds of them are male. 81 million Americans use Twitter, representing ~25% of the population. It's a great way to share real-time news, engage with content, and communicate with your audience. Videos and images work well for introducing a brand, but timely or witty tweets can also have an impact. If your target audience is 30-60-year-old men, consider Twitter as part of your content marketing plan. Try educational videos, opinion polls, and discussion threads.
LinkedInLinkedIn has 810 million users worldwide, primarily adults aged 25-34 (57% male, 43% female). It's the best B2B lead generator. Posts with images perform twice as well as text-only posts. Use consistent, clear, and relevant content to attract customers and be a part of your brand marketing strategy.
RedditReddit is a social networking/news site with 52 million daily active users. It offers user-run forums ('subreddits') for staying informed of trends, news, etc. & is an ideal space for expanding brands.

Note: Only short-form video content is allowed on TikTok, so create fun, catchy content using a TikTok video editor tool available online.


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About the author

Ch Daniel is the co-founder of SignHouse and chairman of the CH Group. Daniel is leading the development of SignHouse's product, as well as strategising how else the company can reach its main mission: empowering 100M+ to use the world's most efficient document organisational tools.